Wednesday, September 24, 2008
EyeEarn is a new global advertising network that taps into simple, easy forms of advertising that everyone can do while they're going about their day. No experience is needed to participate. And it's fun and easy!
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You'll also share in the EyeEarn Audio Revenue Network (EARN). When you landed on this page, you may have heard a 5-second audio advertisement. Just by playing that ad, EyeEarn made money -- money to be split up amongst every EyeEarner. Soon, hundreds of thousands of people every day will be hearing our EyeEarn audio ads. Join EyeEarn now, and YOU can share in all the revenues these ads bring in, too!
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Hello Friends,
I welcome you to my Blog earn4cash. Please read this page in full if you really want to earn money.
I want to Reveal this awesome System of Earning a great income to you because I was once like you searching day after day for another source of income for life. For a way to stay at home with my wife and kids, a way to become financially free! That is way I am finally revealing this system, to truly help you become successful online, in the quickest way possible.
Every Person Want to Make Money by Home Jobs ?
I know it is very difficult for us to find a legitimate work at work now-a-days. People have been searching for a genuine work at home jobs.
How we can Earn Genuine Income from Internet?
There are several ways to generate Income on Internet -
* By Paid to Surf programs
* By Reading Mails and Ads
* By Filling Surveys
* By Data Entry Jobs
* By Playing Games
But all the above programs are very slow to generate Big Income
You have to spend 3-4 hours daily on Internet and after few months you are able to earn Very Little Money.
But I found a Better way TO EARN BIG INCOME ?
A genuine program, by which you will be able to Earn Big Extra Income.
You are not only able to Make Big Income but also it is very easy to Earn at Home.
* There is no need to work hard.
* No MLM, NO Meetings, No Calling People
* No Needs to Sell Products
* No Need to work 3-4 hours daily
Every Person who joins this program, are getting Cheques Guaranteed. The best thing is you can start this by FREE SignUp only.
Opening a day care in your home is another great way to earn money at home. This is an especially good business for stay at home parents who are looking to earn a little extra money. You will be doing a lot of the same activities as you already are but earning some money on the side. There may be certain regulations you will need to abide by and special licenses to obtain but that is true in most start up businesses. This business requires low start up costs and low overhead. Simply make sure there is a safe area and have some toys and nutritious snacks available.
Artists and craftspeople earn money at home by working at their chosen craft from home and using the Internet to market and sell their items. Photographers, painters, woodworkers, jewelry makers and seamstresses are examples of some of the artisan jobs that can be accomplished at home. Putting your items on websites that are dedicated to the particular craft is a good way to market. You can also develop your own site and use marketing tools to promote it.
Writers often work from home. There are a lot of freelance writing sites that pay for articles, web content, books and fiction. If a person has a knack for writing, this is an ideal way to earn money at home. The overhead is virtually nothing. You can choose to market yourself by putting samples of your writing style on a website. You can also bid for work based on the parameters outlined by the buyer.
The Internet plays a large role in the availability of jobs that enable you to earn money at home. People who are skilled with the Internet and computers will have a very easy time finding work at home opportunities. A programmer can easily develop a program per the client's specifications and send it to them via email for use in their application. Web designers also often earn money at home. They talk with the client to get an idea of their needs and develop the graphics and text to those desires. The client can see the finished product and upload it to their hosting account without ever meeting face to face.
Customer service representatives can also earn money from home. Many sites that offer all day customer service use email. They use programs where a customer opens a trouble ticket then the customer service agents on duty can reply to the issue via email. There is no need to go into an office to accomplish this as it is all done by email.
Because of the Internet, many jobs that were traditionally only found in an office environment can now be adapted to a work at home situation. Analyze your skills and interests then decide if those are suited to be able to earn money at home. Chances are, you will be able to find something that will suit your needs and will allow you to earn money at home.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase
I am sanjay from India, I am a graphic designer and I want to live better lifestyle. I always try to Earn extra income. I tried to do - Overtime, Part time jobs, MLM (amway / oriflame), But i never achieved better income from them.
I move to Internet for Make Money Online
Here I received payments - See My Income Cheques Below
November 07, I joined a website promotion program. December 07 my earning was $480 and on 31st January 08 my total earning was $2343. February 08 earning was $ 594. How I earned this money online. I want to share with you.
Trully I Earned Money (read this)
You Can See My Earning Cheques Below
From November 07 - December 08 - there were always a fear with me, Is really this website pay me or not ? Hitherto I reached on $ 480 and my first payment date was 20Th January 08. I daily search for this website, is this paying or not ?. I read some post about this website that website is paying & many persons getting payments. when the date came and I am waiting to transfer this money into my account. On payment date Website was showing my earning $ 480....I was very happy now i will get my first Earning from Net by just part time working.
Now the Excitement Begins...
Till 31 January 08 my total earning was reached on $ 2343 and this time i was ready with Tight Belt. On February 21st 08 they Issue my First Payment Cheque $ 2343 dated 21 Feb
Monday, September 15, 2008
Please visit Make Money Online for Beginners for the rest of the post.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our U.S. publishers! We’d like to give thanks to all of our blog readers for your continued support, and we hope you have a safe and happy holiday weekend.We’ll be out of the office enjoying turkey (and then cold turkey sandwiches) until Monday the 26th. While it may take us longer to reply to your emails, feel free to visit the AdSense Help Center or consult other publishers in the AdSense Help Forum for answers to your questions.Posted by Arlene Lee - AdSense Publisher Support
Are you having a website and having UK bank account? Then you can make money online by placing ads of the advertisers from the site This website have found advertisers who are willing to display ads on all the web pages. They are offering £3 a month into your bank account for doing nothing but placing ads of the advertisers in one page of your website. When you submit your site,
When it comes to making money with Adsense I don’t tell Google what I’m relevant for in terms of content - I let Google tell me. If this is confusing then hear me out. A week or two ago I wrote a…
Please visit Make Money Online for Beginners for the rest of the post.
This month most of us are seeing steep drop in our earnings. This is mainly due to the fact that the U.S. Dollar hits its lower record against Euro. If you’re the person who receives your payment in local currencies, you’ll receive less cash than the previous month because U.S. dollar have near to ground rates against all currencies eventually. The US dollar continues to depreciate and is
Many of our publishers regularly ask what is exactly considered adult or mature content by AdSense policies. It’s a lot easier to understand when we speak about family-safe content. As you may already know, only ads classified as family-safe will be displayed on AdSense publisher websites.Our policy regarding adult or mature content may include any material that is not appropriate for all audiences. While this obviously includes full nudity or sexual activity, it may also include textually explicit sexual content, image or video content containing lewd or provocative poses, strategically covered nudity, see-through or sheer clothing, and close-ups of anatomy that would be inappropriate if shown nude. Additionally, topics such as sexual health and sex tips may be held to a higher standard of professionalism than content that isn’t bordering on mature.While it’s not a sure test, we sometimes suggest that publishers ask themselves the following questions to determine if content is family-safe: Would I be comfortable viewing this content with my parents or children in the same room? Would I feel comfortable viewing this content if my boss walked up behind me while I had this content on my screen? If the answer to either of these questions is no, then it is likely that some advertisers would not be comfortable showing their ads on such content and we might consider it mature.Posted by Guillermo Bracciaforte - AdSense Publisher Support
So, you want to learn the secrets to making money online? You have come to the right place. In this article you will find out these truly guarded secrets to the top internet gurus.Every now and again, a big deal will go through, and people who have never seriously considered an internet business, start thinking about their own online business.The Google - YouTube deal is just one such deal.
If you are just joining me I have been demonstrating how to optimize blogs for certain keywords in order to drive search engine traffic. I use this type of traffic primarily for adsense revenue but…
Please visit Make Money Online for
Did you catch the CNN/YouTube Republican debate on Wednesday night? And are you interested in having the debate available on your site for visitors to see? We’ve set up a channel for your video units to play the night’s highlights as well as those from the July Democratic debate. To get the clips for your video units, choose “CNN YouTube Debates” as a content provider on the Edit AdSense Player page. You can also use our new option to choose the specific videos that will appear by typing in the name of the video you want (e.g., “GOP Debate Song”) into the Hints box under “Automatic targeting.”The debates are just one example of the compelling content that we plan to bring to your sites with video units. In the coming months, we’ll continue to enhance the depth and variety of the content that is available, while making it easier for you to discover and choose what best fits your site.Watch the latest videos on As always, to learn more about video units, you can check out our regularly updated FAQs or view our instructional videos on YouTube.If you aren’t using video units yet, now is a great time to give them a try. Sign in to your AdSense account and visit the AdSense Setup page to get started with video units.Posted by Ryan Hayward

As I was roaming around the web in search for new ideas, news ways to make money online, I’ve come across few articles about Payday Loans. Top paying list of adsense keywords include payday loans or…
[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
PubMatic - PubMatic is focused on serving the needs of publishers by providing an industry leading platform that allows publishers to maximize their revenue while simultaneously reducing complexity.It scans multiple ad networks (Google Adsense,casalemedia ValidClick, etc.), penerates into ad performance reports and shows ad units with highest payout and performance. It’s completely free, there are no charges or commissions.Rubicon Project - The Rubicon Project is the new online advertising standard that makes it effortless for websites to generate the mad cash they’ve always dreamed of. And, it’s free to join. [Read on Rubicon Project..]
Miscellous Tools
Zoho Creator/Kontactr/Contactify - All 3 services provides you with an online web contact form function, which you can easily embeded them on your blog.mybloglog/Blogcatalog/Bumpzee - I am sure you are already in one of these 3 popular social blog community, if you are not then signup to get your free account and mingle around with the crowd.Madcast/Sharethis/Addthis - All 3 of these services allows your visitors to bookmark your post on various social bookmark

few weeks ago we posted the winner of the AdSense Story Contest, and as promised, here are a few more of the stories and video submissions we received. This one comes from AdSense publisher Amit Agarwal of Agra, India. Amit is a professional blogger and personal technology columnist for the Financial Express and The Hindustan Times. He maintains a technology blog called Digital Inspiration, which draws readers from all over the globe and covers software reviews, web technologies, and social media. His latest venture, India Inc., carries news and analysis about business and finance. Amit also runs a message board where he personally answers reader questions on blogging, online monetization and software. In the early days, Amit was only making a few cents on Digital Inspiration. After optimizing the site, however, his revenue went through the roof. Now AdSense helps Amit lead a very comfortable life. Amit says, “I have tried a couple of other advertising programs on my website, but none of them have been so successful as AdSense. That’s because AdSense contextual ads are always so relevant to the content.”Amit has also found success with several other AdSense products and features. He currently uses referrals to recommend software to his readers, and has implemented link units to efficiently use space on his site. He also uses the Google Custom Search Engine, linked to his AdSense for search account, and so is able to monetize his search results while helping visitors navigate through his site’s pages with greater control. As he notes, “Currently 75% of my site revenue comes through the Google AdSense program. And I get more time to focus on writing new content for my readers rather than hunting for advertisers. AdSense has helped change my life forever.”Posted by Bennet Abraham - AdSense India Optimization Team

If you’re an AdSense publisher who gets paid in your own local currency it might be worth checking your payment reports today because I’ve heard from two different publishers who are reporting that the exchange rate application is wrong. I just checked mine and it’s out also.
It seems that they’ve converted money the wrong way around for earnings for the month of November.
So instead of converting the earnings from USD to AUD in my case - they’ve taken the USD figure and converted it as though it was an AUD figure being converted into USD. I’m not going to give my exact figures - but here’s someone else’s figures:
Earnings in USD - $103.06Exchange Rate - 0.867 : 1Earnings in AUD - $89.40
The problem is that they’ve applied the wrong exchange rate - it should be something close to 1.144 : 1 (that’s last month’s rate) and the earnings should be around $117AUD.
While in the case mentioned above the difference is just a few dollars if you multiply the earnings into higher rates (mine are in the five figures per month range) the difference is significant (I’m thousands out).
I have no doubt that AdSense will fix this mistake - but it has thrown a few publishers into a spin today.
Thanks to Mauricio from Geekzone for the heads up on this one.
Update: if you’ve got the same problem let us know in comments below. You might also want to email AdSense on adsense-support @
Update 2: Looks like others have the same problem in the AdSense forums
Update 3: so far I’m just seeing this reported by Australian and New Zealand publishers. Any others have the same issue in a different currency?
Update 4: I’ve had an email from AdSense in the last few minutes to let me know that they are now aware of the problem and are in the process of resolving the issue.
2007 is drawing to a close, but before you get out the party hats and start practicing the lyrics to Auld Lang Syne, we’d like to take a moment to recap some of the biggest developments in AdSense this year.New feature launches were abundant in 2007, and many were based on your direct feedback and requests. To help improve the performance of your ads, we revamped the look of our ad formats and introduced ad placements to let you promote your site to potential advertisers. The new Manage Ads feature gave you the ability to make changes to your ad units directly in your account and quickly experiment with optimizations. In addition, we launched such features as video units, AdSense for mobile content, and referrals 2.0 to bring in new revenue streams for your site. Still others like the Allowed Sites list and the recently announced Ad Review Center were inspired by your requests for more control over your ads and your account.With our growing community of publishers around the world, we also continued our international expansion of products and online resources. AdSense for content was launched in languages such as Hebrew, Greek, and Bulgarian, while AdSense for search became available in a number of Southeast Asian languages. We added payment options such as Western Union Quick Cash in a few countries and EFT in Mexico. To help publishers connect with one another around the world, we introduced AdSense Help Forums in 9 new languages, including Polish, Arabic, and Russian.And of course, we can’t forget to mention the exciting things that happened right here on our blog. We welcomed 6 new languages into the Inside AdSense family (Italian, Korean, Japanese, French, Turkish, and Simplified Chinese), bringing the total number of AdSense blogs to 11. All 11 blogs combined received 2.6 million pageviews from 1.7 million visits, and global Groups subscriptions to all blogs crossed the 43,000 mark.Finally, we’d like to close with our second annual Reader’s Choice Award, which goes to the post you visited most this year: ‘Introducing video units‘. Accepting the award on behalf of the post is author Ryan Hayward, who had this to say: “In a world where Hollywood writers are striking and my favorite show, ‘The Office,’ is off-air, I hope that announcing video units helped to fill the creative void and made each of our lives just a little more entertaining. Cue the orchestra.”Here’s to a very happy and prosperous 2008. Cheers!Posted by Arlene Lee - AdSense Publisher Suppo
They integrated their project with lots of advertising networks. They support Google Adsense, Yahoo Publisher Network, Chitika, Commission Junction, CPA Empire, Tribal Fusion and so on!
The Geographic targeting is an interesting feature with this project. Many people make more outta their website with this! If you want to show Adsense to US visitors and CJ to Indian Visitors, it is possible with Rubicon Project.
You’ve to create an account at Rubicon Project to enjoy these features. Also, Keep in mind, rubicon will collect money from all advertisers and will pay you later. This is a nice try in the Advertising markey. “Publishers can optimize the ads at their website” - Great. But the founders of Rubicon Project has no revenue model for their project yet!
So, you read about the positives of Rubicon Project. Here is its flip side. This is a screenshot when I tried to implement an advertisement at my sidebar. The ads are overlapped by Google Adsense. It sucks for me!(With my old theme..)
This may work to you! Just give a try to

I have been writing in this blog for just about a year, and I have been through a number of changes:
The blog was once on a subdomain of my company, and now has its own domain. I started at infrequent posts, then went to 2-3 posts a week, and now am at 5-6 posts per week. The topics have changed as my voice has developed and my experience has grown.
I have thought a long time about what the purpose of my writing really is. It does not build my client list, so it’s not for promoting my business. (Although, in all fairness, I rarely promote myself on this site.) It hasn’t produced income for me. It hasn’t opened up new job opportunities. It has introduced me to a lot of really wonderful people that I have been glad to message back and forth with. It has helped me sort thoughts in my head and put them into words in a more focused way. Being responsible for posts on a regular schedule and extras such as the Carnival of the Capitalists has made my writing production more disciplined. So I guess you could say that blogging has been more of a writing exercise or a hobby for me for the past year, rather than an actual job.
This is where I got to the point of advertising. I have been debating advertising for a long time, and the debate had taken a new intensity since rebranding the site on its own. While having additional income for my efforts would be nice, there are many cons to putting ads on my site.
Advertising is a Distraction
Unlike linking to more content which would provide value to my readers, advertisements just take them to a place where they will be sold something. I suppose if these things are of value to them (what small business owner doesn’t need supplies or a computer or search engine services?), then that is not too bad.
Blogging is about Trust
For me, placing ads on my site would require very strict control over the content. I couldn’t use a program like AdSense because with small business content, those scammy work at home ads were bound to pop up. The only way I would feel comfortable hosting advertisers is if I had a strict system for selecting exactly which ads and offers would appear on my site. I would then not have to worry about the trust I have built being destroyed by unscrupulous advertisers. I would not accept things like link-buying or paid content, because without transparency I feel like that erodes trust.
Aesthetics are Important
If I didn’t care what my site looked like, I wouldn’t have paid an artist to design it or hand-code all the templates myself. I see so many blogs out there where advertising has just taken over, and it makes me not want to come back to that site. It is easy to do ads the wrong way, and have your site take a turn for the worse. Recently, on BusinessPundit (not to pick on Rob May, because he has no control over the advertising on that site), there were some talking ads that completely altered the experience of the site, and popups that showed up some time after that. I would want to keep my site as distraction-free as possible to make it a unique viewing experience.
Money Shouldn’t Drive Content
If you read a lot of the stuff put out by those internet marketers, they develop their content based on what will sell. They write posts based on Google popularity, SEO keywording, and other false ways of beefing up traffic. I’d never want to be in that situation, to be writing about what is popular just for the sake of increased advertising traffic. By writing for myself, I get to stay true and honest—to write for writing’s sake.
Evaluating my Peers
There are a lot of people that I respect and content that I value that does have ads, like Anita Campbell at Small Business Trends, Rob May at BusinessPundit, Guy Kawasaki at How to Change the World, and Darren Rowse at Problogger (the advertising juggernaut that teaches other writers to advertise!). There are also others that don’t, like Charles H Green at Trust Matters, Chris Anderson at The Long Tail and, well, Rob May at Coconut Headsets. (It is interesting to note that when he started writing for different reasons than he does at Business Pundit, and while he is writing for himself, the ads became less important.) Looking at their sites helps me decide what I do and don’t like, but it doesn’t help me with outside influence on my decision here.
Being True to Myself
I start out this year 2008 with a mission to never settle for less than 100% quality in everything I do here on Small Business Essentials. I continued this commitment by adding the links feed, extending my site to other platforms like Facebook and Twitter, participating in the business blogosphere, and creating (what I consider) to be original, valuable content. Somehow, the thought of monetizing this site through third part advertising diminishes that in some way. This may be only an internal perception, however—perhaps my own issues with money cloud my judgement of what is real in this case.
Limiting my Options
If I choose to not monetize the site, it makes me more actively seek out other ventures that would be income-producing. In this way, it is enticing to keep this blog as my writing playground and to use other means to expand revenue. (That revenue, then, would go back into funding this little hobby blog of mine.)
The Future of Small Business Essentials
I have decided to try a few hand-selected advertising items for the time being to try it out while I consider if this is really what do to. After about a day of thought on this subject, and as of right now, I am leaning towards removing them again and just continuing to write as I always have. I will give it a few weeks to make this decision though, and if the ads are permanent, I may have to do another site redesign to make them fit better with the site.
I’d love to hear feedback on the ads as they are now, your blog/monetization strategy, the purpose of writing, or anything else for that matter.
Link - Fri, 18 Jan 2008 01:21:11 GMT - Feed (1 subs) Sent using Visit here to unsubscribe from “2-business” via X2 in Google. Recommended Feeds/Actions Subscribe Aging
All publishers may now participate in AdSense referrals regardless of their own location. Now you’ll only earn commission if those you refer come from North America, Latin America and Japan.The commission paid will be $100 when the publisher you refer makes $100 in their first 180 days (there is no more $5 or $250 payments and no more $2000 bonus)There have been some publishers who can’t see any referral earnings in their reports - this is a glitch and will be fixedPublishers using the ‘Google Pack’ referral program will only earn $1 per referral (previously it was $2) as of the third week of FebruaryPublishers using the Firefox referrals program to China will see reductions in payments (this won’t impact anyone you refer who is from outside of China).

Today AdSense have announced that they’ve re-thought their approach and will now allow all publishers to participate - but will only pay commissions based upon the location of the publishers that they refer.
While this will still mean a reduction in commissions for those referring AdSense new publishers - it seems a more logical decision to me.
As I previously wrote an open letter about my ‘broken heart’ over their last decision - I thought I’d send them another today.
When I wrote to you to tell you of the way that you broke my heart earlier in the week I must admit that I thought my cries of despair might fall on deaf ears and that you’d toss my note aside. I know how much correspondence from lovers (and ex-lovers) you must get.
Yet yesterday when you called to say that you got my note and that my declaration of love for you had caused you to rethink your decision…. my heart did leap with joy.
Today you’ve posted a note of your own - on your blog. You say that you’ve rethought your decision to end your affair with those of us who live outside of your backyard and that you’ll continue to accept (and reward) some of the gifts of traffic that we send to you.
Instead of rejecting the advances of lovers based upon their location - you’ll look at the quality of the gifts (traffic) that we send and make a call on whether we’ll be rewarded based upon that.
While I’m still sad to know that not all of my gifts are valuable in your eyes - this change of heart is one that makes a little more sense to me and I respect that you’ve been willing to rethink the relationship that we have.
With Valentines Day approaching hopefully our gifts to one another will continue to bring happiness to all.
Thank you
Image by Darwin Bell
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