Rubicon project is for websites/blogs to get maximum income from their advertisers. This project optimizes the ads based on highest paying keywords, geographic locations and so on! They want you to make more money
They integrated their project with lots of advertising networks. They support Google Adsense, Yahoo Publisher Network, Chitika, Commission Junction, CPA Empire, Tribal Fusion and so on!
The Geographic targeting is an interesting feature with this project. Many people make more outta their website with this! If you want to show Adsense to US visitors and CJ to Indian Visitors, it is possible with Rubicon Project.
You’ve to create an account at Rubicon Project to enjoy these features. Also, Keep in mind, rubicon will collect money from all advertisers and will pay you later. This is a nice try in the Advertising markey. “Publishers can optimize the ads at their website” - Great. But the founders of Rubicon Project has no revenue model for their project yet!
So, you read about the positives of Rubicon Project. Here is its flip side. This is a screenshot when I tried to implement an advertisement at my sidebar. The ads are overlapped by Google Adsense. It sucks for me!(With my old theme..)
This may work to you! Just give a try to
They integrated their project with lots of advertising networks. They support Google Adsense, Yahoo Publisher Network, Chitika, Commission Junction, CPA Empire, Tribal Fusion and so on!
The Geographic targeting is an interesting feature with this project. Many people make more outta their website with this! If you want to show Adsense to US visitors and CJ to Indian Visitors, it is possible with Rubicon Project.
You’ve to create an account at Rubicon Project to enjoy these features. Also, Keep in mind, rubicon will collect money from all advertisers and will pay you later. This is a nice try in the Advertising markey. “Publishers can optimize the ads at their website” - Great. But the founders of Rubicon Project has no revenue model for their project yet!
So, you read about the positives of Rubicon Project. Here is its flip side. This is a screenshot when I tried to implement an advertisement at my sidebar. The ads are overlapped by Google Adsense. It sucks for me!(With my old theme..)
This may work to you! Just give a try to

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