Monday, September 15, 2008


eaEvery now and then, we update the AdSense Terms and Conditions to make sure they’re in line with policies across Google, and to prepare for future changes to the products and services we offer. As part of these regular updates, you’ll soon sign in to your account and see that the Terms have been updated, prompting you to read through and accept them. This time around, most of the changes to the Terms and Conditions fall into two broad categories: 1) future products and features and 2) privacy requirements. Specifically, one of the main changes is that the terms anticipate future products that may become available in other advertising formats and mediums, for example Gadget Ads. As we look forward to monetizing more online and offline content, we’ve re-worded some portions of the terms to make them applicable across a broader array of media and formats — anticipating, for example, that future products may be priced, paid, or managed differently than current ones.We’ve also added some specific requirements that make it necessary for publishers to post and abide by a transparent privacy policy that users see. According to this policy, publishers must notify their users of the use of cookies and/or web beacons to collect data in the ad serving process. This change relates to advertisers’ use of innovative products and features like Gadget Ads and other offerings in the future.The changes aren’t limited to the areas above, however; we’ve made small changes throughout, so it’s a good idea for you to review them thoroughly before accepting.Posted by Julie Beckmann - AdSense Publisher Support

I am on IT again.Yeap, I’m on the template lookout again..lolzz. and as you can see, this is my latest find. Isn’t it lovely?? It has adsense after every post, it’s neat and clean and the one feature I really love is the “categories” that disappear to form a tab after the page has fully loaded. As I understand it, a first in blogger. Yes people, this blog is on its own domain but still on free hosting at blogspot. This template is from wordpress but has been made available to users from blogspot.Yeap am a bit cheapskate in that department. I figure don’t mess with something that works. Right??My previous templateCheerio…

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